June 18, 2016
I met Olivier while he was monitoring tickets at a beautiful small church garden in Kensington during Open Garden Weekend in London (see my Exploration section!).
1. Olivier, where are you from? And what brought you to London?
Olivier is from Paris, France. He worked for a French bank and moved to London where many in banking move for work. He has been in London for 29 years.
2. How did you come to work at the Open Garden Weekend?
One day there was an important vote - a man wanted to pull down the fence of the church and replace it with a wrought iron one. Olivier said he joined "the fray" as their trustee because of his banking experience. The residents of the neighborhood voted to keep the garden and the garden tax so they could continue to enjoy its beauty.
3. What is your ideal Saturday afternoon?
"I'm lucky because I live on a top floor and I've got a roof terrace on the very top so what if I don't want to do anything why not read the Economist on a deck chair on that roof. I know it can be boring to some...and certainly not going to the pub."
4. If you had 24 hours left in London, what would you make sure you did?
"Brexit is coming, getting kicked out...I've had those thoughts. What would I do? Implications are far and wide. Economy, politics, and everything. Wander the streets in this area [Kensington and Chelsea] taking in what I can."
*note: Open Gardens Weekend is the only time this particular garden is open to the public! So make sure to check on their website before heading there.

June 24, 2016
Emilie works at the British Museum in London. Unfortunately, I was unable to take her photograph because of her position at the museum.
1. Where are you from?
From Paris, France.
2. What brought you to London?
"The degrees!"
Not long into our conversation did I realize Emilie loves learning and the knowledge that comes with it. The more she learns, the more she wants to know. She has earned a bachelors degree in English, graduate degrees in PR and Advertising, Marketing, and a diploma in Art Appreciation. She studied abroad in Miami, where she read 7 books in 2 weeks in order to complete her dissertation!
Emilie moved to London in 2010 and started working at the Museum in May 2016. She hopes to dig deeper and is reading and educating herself on religion and the arts, specifically Eastern and Victorian Art. She recommends for anyone interested in learning the overall history of art to read, "The Story of Art" by Gombrich.
3. What is your ideal Saturday afternoon?
Spending time in the galleries, checking out the latest expedition. Followed up by reading on religion in Nepal.
4. If you had one day left in London, what would you do?
Go see the catacombs... and the deer in Richmond park.
5. Being from Paris, what would you recommend I do when I get there?
San Michel and Notre Dame - at the end of the day, eat at an old fashioned restaurant. Lie on the grass and read a book at the Eiffel Tower like a true Parisian.